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SonTek®-SL Series

Inspired by the need for a simple way to measure water velocity and level in open channels


NEW SL1500/3000 3G MODELS! Inspired by the need for a SIMPLE way to measure water velocity and level in open channels, the SonTek-SL (affectionately known as the Side-Looker or "SL") has earned worldwide acceptance as a long-term monitoring solution. Now, with two new (3G) models turbo-charged by our proprietary SmartPulseHD®, the SonTek-SL features  accessories, mounting options, software, and a variety of integration formats to ensure it fits your application. [View online webinar - Recorded version]


Designed specifically for side mounting on bridges, canal walls, or riverbanks, the SL's SLEEK, low-profile housing makes installation easy.  With three models to choose from, the SL can be used in channels as small as you can jump across to rivers as wide as the Amazon. Ultra narrow beam widths combined with unmatched side lobe suppression provide the SUPERIOR acoustic directivity necessary for achieving maximum horizontal range free of interference from surface or bottom boundaries.


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